Port Performance Measures

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A Study for the Canada Transportation Act Review (2015)

To assist with the review of the Canada Transportation Act, the Canada Transportation Act  Review Panel contracted Mary R Brooks Transportation Consulting to evaluate port performance measures with specific reference to fluidity and congestion. Click here to download the report.

About the Project

The purpose of this research project was to address the measurement of fluidity and congestion by looking at what has been measured, is being discussed and is likely to emerge in the next few years. It reviewed the literature after 2007 as well as emerging best practices in benchmarking port performance. The research identified, summarized and assessed the state of port performance measurement, specifically metrics to evaluate congestion, responsiveness and fluidity across the supply chain from a port-centric perspective. It drew conclusions and identified possible next steps to inform the Canada Transportation Act review process in this area critical to Canada’s economy and competitiveness. To quote:

Given the high level of uncertainty about Canada’s role in global trade as the world trading patterns restructure, it is important to make the right long-term port and hinterland infrastructure investment decisions in this environment that has an increasingly volatile nature of demand. Good investment decisions by both government and industry require better data be collected, and that all Canadian businesses and governments have the right data for future investment decisions.

Post-Project Update
The final report by Mary R. Brooks Transportation Consulting was submitted in July 2015. The report was released after the Canada Transportation Act Review (CTAR) Panel report was tabled in Canada’s House of Commons on 25 February 2016. The Panel’s is available for download from the Transport Canada web site. The CTAR report is in 2 volumes, and both should be consulted.

The Panel’s report has incorporated some of the research in the July 2015 report on Port Performance Measurement; references and summaries can be found in both volumes.

The Government of Canada is allowing the report to be hosted on this web site with the following disclaimer:
Some of the information on this Web page has been provided by external sources. The Government of Canada is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by external sources. Users wishing to rely upon this information should consult directly with the source of the information. Content provided by external sources is not subject to official languages, privacy and accessibility requirements.

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